学术报告:The role of particle packing in designing building materials

来源:hq环球体育    发布时间 : 2023/11/24      点击量:

报告题目:The role of particle packing in designing building materials

人:Jos Brouwers (荷兰埃因霍温理工大学建筑环境系教授)




Most building materials are made from granular ingredients, which are  normally non-spherical. The most produced material, concrete, is an example, and here the size span of the ingredients is typically 5 decades. The technical properties of these building materials depend on the overall grading of its ingredients. In essence this is the classic physical/mathematical problem of particle packing. As the size range is so large, and the particle shape non-spherical, simulations are not possible, and analytical methods are possible only. In this lecture theoretical principles of particle packing are presented, applied to the practical design of building materials.


Prof. Dr. Ir. H.J.H. Brouwers is an internationally leading scientist on sustainable building materials.He is currently a Full Professor and Chair of Building Materials at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Brouwers’ group investigates and develops building materials composed of cement, gypsum, lime and cementitious by-products, such as concrete, functionalised materials and stabilised waste. Fundamental physical and chemical know-how, e.g. on (de-) hydration reactions, physical transport phenomena, thermal behaviour, multiscale analysis, and durability are researched experimentally, theoretically and numerically.  Prof. Brouwers is editor of a number of scientific journals and reviewer of numerous journals and research funding organisations. Prof. Brouwers has published about 400 publications, of which 200 in leading international scientific journals.

人:万端端 特聘副研究员




